
Writing interests include deep-sea ecology; sustainable seafood and seafood labeling; fisheries in the undeveloped world; sustainable construction, transportation and agriculture; alternative energy; nutrition; science policy; and climate science. Really anything involving humans’ chances for a softer, cleaner, and healthier footprint on this planet.


Science writing- online & print

Brochure/magazineOIST_brochure_2013image for Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology– contributed to layout, theme, and wrote research stories (click on icon to see)



Predation by Acanthurus leucopareius on black-band disease in Kauai, Hawaii,  Bulletin of Marine Science, July 2017

The distribution of 4-nonylphenol in marine organisms of Pacific Coast estuaries, Chemosphere, 2012


Peace Corps Articles from 1997-1999 It’s ~ 6 MB- but should download/open in new page as a PDF portfolio. Best viewed in Chrome browser.
