
Public Radio: (podcast and online story with original photography)

Created Dash of SALT podcast on Spotify (FishWise/SALT)

Edited Zoological Radio episode (KCLU and Santa Barbara Zoo)

Deep Ocean Drilling in the Marina Trench- PRX

Amgen 2013
Amgen 2013

KUSP shut down in fall of 2016, but archived posts below

  • Teen Cyclists– KUSP, NPR affiliate, Santa Cruz  (audio archive)
  • Fishing for Details– KUSP  (archive)
  • Dynamic vinemaking–  KUSP (archive)
  • Interview with Mike Sinor– Talk of the Bay (KUSP) and Issues and Ideas (KCBX, NPR affiliate, San Luis Obispo)  (archive)
  • Bamboo Bikes– UC Santa Cruz

Interviewed about sea cucumber biology for Santa Monica public radio, KCRW (only in first 2 minutes)