“…it is necessary to palinspastically restore the remanent arcs..” You lost me at the “p” word. This is why #scientists need me. #scicom
— Amy West (@AmyWestWrites) July 9, 2014
Science writing- online & print
Writing interests include deep-sea ecology; seafood labeling; fisheries in the undeveloped world; sustainable construction and transportation; agricultural methods; alternative energy; nutrition; science policy; and climate science.
- From the Director’s Chair column, National Ski Patrol, Summer 2022, Fall 2022, May 2023 issues
- Paving over the Gender gap in the Philippines, Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability (SALT)
- Design and creation, writing and editing of SALT website
- Trekking to the Tropics for lobster, SALT
- Save the Data!– Inquiry@ UCSC Research Magazine
- Marine Geohazards (seafloor faults and slides) website, US Geological Survey
- Forcing Evolution’s Hand, pg 29 Inquiry UC Santa Cruz Research Magazine
- This Robot Could Make Exploring Oceans Deeper, Faster, and Cheaper, National Geographic
The Wild Wild West Coast– special multimedia report (2 stories), University of California, Santa Cruz
- Climate Change Research pages plus video of erosion in the Arctic- U.S. Geological Survey, Santa Cruz
- What are ecosystem services?– PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science)
- Trimming the FAT for Seafloor Research in China (behind paywall)- Sea Technology (SeaTech-JUN 2015)
- Fishing for a Future– PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science)
- Sound Waves article to accompany updated website on climate change research in Santa Cruz- U.S. Geological Survey
- Casting for a new job– Mongabay.com
- Marry religion and conservation in Fiji’s fisheries– Mongabay.com
- Blogs during JOIDES Resolution Expedition, National Geographic’s Ocean Views
- Nat Geo Posts also hosted on AGU Geoscience Blogosphere
- Deep-sea brooding breaks record, Nat Geo’s Weird and Wild
- Fishing for some regulation, Mongabay.com
- Fijian’s Dying for Sea Cucumbers, Mongabay.com
- Reporter’s Journal and other pieces, Mongabay.com
- Battling Plasticulture– HIgh Country News
Mutiny on the Reef, Baited Underwater Cameras, and Are tabu areas really taboo? Guest blogger for Wildlife Conservation Society in Fiji
- A squid’s detachable limbs, ScienceNOW, stories carried by Huffington Post, San Francisco Chronicle
- Risso’s Dolphins, Redwoods, and Sea Otters- a series of natural history posts for Hilltromper.com
- Getting to the Heart of the Matter, Nuclear Disaster Investigator Awarded, World’s First Decoded Coral Genome, Revisiting Sustainable Development, Molding Metal– Underwater Connections, A LEED Laboratory, The Wonders of Foraminifera– Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
- Great Barrier Beefs– Conservation Magazine archive here
- Tracking the coelcanth for two decades– Mongabay.com
- From garbage to fuel- Santa Cruz Sentinel stories carried by San Jose Mercury News
- Whales make it onto the big screen– Monterey Herald, carried by San Jose Mercury News
- Oxygen-Starved Ocean, Salinas teacher rallies for education reform, Dieting Discoveries, Retired couple fulfill Peace Corps Dream ( this also made it into the Congressional Record!!)- Monterey Herald
- Abyssal Bridges, Paleotsunami deposits, Sinking permafrost– AGU GeoSpace Blog
- The New Grass Cycle– UCSC’s online magazine, Science Notes
- Question and Answer with Scripps’s Dr. Lisa Levin– UCSC
- Nemo’s Troublesome Cousin, Plastic by numbers– UCSC CrashingEdge Blog
- Research Vessel Tribute, Ocean Acidification, Dancing for Ocean Conservation, Tracking Phytoplankton– Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)
Brochure/magazine for Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology– contributed to layout, theme, and science stories
Peace Corps Articles from 1997-1999 It’s about 6MB- but should download/open in new page as a PDF portfolio you can read in Adobe acrobat.