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science writing

Surfing for science

One might think the sport of surfing would be natural for someone who works in the ocean. But when you are at eye level with a powerful surge of water that’s about to crash onto your head and send you into a drowning vortex, I feel no connection to marine biology whatsoever. …

Aspire to Inspire

Writing is really freaking hard. At least when you have to do it. I find it easy to jot down personal thoughts in a journal here and there, because it’s something I have done since 8th grade. That process is already engrained, and I am not worried about someone reading …


Thanks to Christie Aschwandan’s Courage Camp in late August that convinced several of us that freelance science writing can be sustainable, financially and personally, I’m …

Why am I writing about this, too?

I had no intention whatsoever to write about the recent drama in the science writing world re: accusations of sexual harassment. I’m …