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Sea What?

So one of my stories is getting a lot of attention: Dying for sea cucumbers. This and another SRI fellow’s story had the most hits on anything that ran on Mongabay that month. Links to it everywhere! Below is my favorite because Mike used the word “reportage”. The Best Shark Dive in …

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I’ve been sending little bits down the pipeline to Mongabay on my dig into what’s happening to Fiji’s coastal fisheries. The latest explains why you have to drink so much kava as a journalist there. The expression “Fiji Time” is commonly used among locals and expatriates. From my island experiences, …

Sound Bites

When writing about fishing in the South Pacific, it can be more effective to do it through visuals. From the trip last …

Here Fishy Fishy

A curious visit by a human or motored robotic vehicle likely sends deep-water fish fleeing. It’s difficult to accurately tally fish if we …